Aleo Linux solo Tutorial

1. Download the mining software

tar -xvf apoolminer_linux_v1.6.9.tar

2.Get permission

chmod +x

3. Configure the mining parameters

Open the configuration file according to your mining type:

  • Mining with CPU only

  • Mining with CPU+GPU


Basic Parameters:

  • 'account' aleo wallet addresss;

  • 'solo' designated address:

  • 'worker' specify the mining machine name, which use the machine ip default, and can be customized by the users, the naming rules are:can be up to 15 characters or less, and can contain alphanumeric characters (letters A-Z, numbers 0-9) and symbols.

CPU Performance Parameters:

  • -t, –thread; specify the number of CPU thread [default: 0, use all threads]

4. Execute the command to start mining

  • Mining with CPU only


5. Execute the command to check the mining process

tail -f aleo.log

6.Watch the Statistics on Apool

Last updated