HiveOS Solo Flight Sheet Tutorial

一. Install Solana and ORE

You only need a single ORE Node machine to handle both wallet management and GAS payments.

1.1 Ensure Rust is installed:

curl -sSf | sh

Install Solana CLI tool:

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"

Install ORE CLI tool:

apt install -y pkg-config libssl-dev && cargo install ore-cli

1.2 Quick installation of ore-noe service

curl -sSL|bash

1.3 Create a wallet

solana-keygen new --derivation-path m/44'/501'/0'/0' --force --word-count 12 -o /root/.config/solana/oremine.json
  • Generated word mnemonic can import the wallet (remember /root/config/solana/oremine.json better secret key must be kept)

  • oremine.json (file name can be customized) is keypair and is used for binding to ORE Node mining

  • Wallet address record after the mining tutorial need to use

  • Wallet recharge GAS (estimated daily consumption is around 0.15sol, depending on the configured GAS rate)

1.4 Activate Paid RPC(optional)

By default, ORE Node uses Solana's free RPC endpoints. However, during network congestion, the availability of these free endpoints is not guaranteed. It is recommended to activate a paid endpoint. You may consider:

1.5 ore-node service configure description (optional)

The working directory of ore-node is /opt/ore

Edit the /opt/ore/.env file in the ORE Node work directory:

  • Point the mining wallet and GAS payment wallet to the previously created wallet keypair file oremine.json (Note: If the mining wallet and payment wallet are separate, configure them to point to different keypair files).

  • Replace the RPC URL with the paid RPC address you activated earlier.

.env default configuration file

# Log level
# Log file
# REST service port number
# Pool difficulty
# Network difficulty
# Priority fee
# Filepath to keypair to use for mining.
# Filepath to keypair to use for fee payer.

The pool default difficulty and network default difficulty should be adjusted to 20

1.6 Viewing ore-node Service status

systemctl status ore-node.service

Top up the gas fee and start the node, ensuring the gas wallet balance is greater than 0.005 SOL

1.7 View the ore-node Service Logs

tail -f /var/log/ore-node.log

二. Deploy apoolminer

The more CPU cores the miner machine has, the higher the average difficulty and the more significant the rewards.

2.1 Add new flight sheet

'Installation URL':

'Wallet and worker template':%WAL%

'Pool URL':node ip

Worker Name:--worker %WORKER_NAME%

Extra Config Arguments: --gpu-off

CPU mining flight sheet

Save the Configuration files after change

2.2 Check mining log

execute the following command


三. Monitor Mining Machines

Users can access the Apool Solo platform at, enter their mining wallet address to check the status of their mining machine and view Solution block details.

å››.Withdraw Earnings

On the machine where ore-cli is installed and the wallet is created, use the commands provided by ore-cli to withdraw earnings.

ore  claim    --keypair  /root/.config/solana/oremine.json

Last updated